
Dependency Parsing.

Dependency Grammar and Dependency Structure

Two main types of structures: constituency structures and dependency structures.

Dependency Parsing

Dependency parsing is the task of analyzing the syntactic dependency structure of a given input sentence S. The output of a dependency parser is a dependency tree where the words of the input sentence are connected by typed dependency relations

Two subproblems:

  • Learning: Given a training set D of sentences annotated with dependency graphs, induce a parsing model M that can be used to parse new sentences.
  • Parsing: Given a parsing model M and a sentence S, derive the optimal dependency graph D for S according to M.

Transition-Based Dependency Parsing

It relies on a state machine.Most transition-based systems do not make use of a formal grammar.

  • learning: induce a model which can predict the next transition in the state machine based on the transition history

  • parsing: construct the optimal sequence of transitions for the input sentence, given the previously induced model.

Greedy Deterministic Transition-Based Parsing


For any sentence $S=w_0w_1…w_n$, a state can be described with a triple $c=(\sigma, \beta, A)$:

  1. a stack $\sigma$ of words $w_i$ from S
  2. a buffer $\beta$ of words $w_i$ from S
  3. a set of dependency arcs A of the form $(w_i, r, w_j)$, where $w_i$, $w_j$ are from S, and r describes a dependency relation.

initial state:$({[w_0]}{\sigma}, {[w_1,…,w_n]}{\beta}, \phi)$

terminal state:$(\sigma, []_{\beta}, A)$


  1. shift: $\sigma, w_i\mid\beta,A\rightarrow \sigma\mid w_i, \beta,A$
  2. left-arc: $\sigma\mid w_i\mid w_j, \beta,A\rightarrow \sigma\mid w_j, \beta,A\bigcup{r(w_j, w_i)}$
  3. right-arc: $\sigma\mid w_i\mid w_j, \beta,A\rightarrow \sigma\mid w_i, \beta,A\bigcup{r(w_i, w_j)}$

Neural Dependency Parsing


Step after step the ladder is ascended.

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