

// method 1
template <class F, class X>
struct twice{
    typedef typename F::template apply<X>::type once;
    typedef typename F::template apply<once>::type once;

// method 2: 元函数转发
template <class F, class X>
struct twice : F::template apply<typename F::template apply<X>::type>
{ };

// method 3: 分解元函数转发
template <class UnaryMeatFunctionClass, class Arg>
struct apply1: UnaryMeatFunctionClass::template apply<Arg>

template <class F, class X>
struct twice: apply1<F, typename apply1<F,X>::type>


static Polymorphism

// dynamic
void mydraw(GeoObj const& obj){ //GeoObj is abstract class

// static
template<typename GeoObj>
void mydraw(GeoObj const& obj){ //GeoObj is template parameter

Constraint: all types must be determined at compile time.


Concept” will be part of the next standard after C++17. It denotes a set of constraits that template arguments have to fulfill to successfully instantiate a template.

template<typename T>
concept GeoObj = requires(T x){
    {x.draw()} -> void;
    {x.center_of_gravity()} -> Coord;

template<typename T>
require GeoObj<T>
void mydraw(GeoObj const& obj){

Overloading on Type Properties

We want to overload function templates based on types, code below is a wrong way:

template<typename Number> void f(Number);
template<typename Container> void f(Container);

Function templates that differ only based on their template parameter names are not overloadable.

Algorithm Specialization

It is useful in many cases.

template<typename T>
void swap(T& x, T& y);

template<typename T>
void swap(Array<T>& x, Array<T>& y);

Tag Dispatching

It works well when there is a natural hierarchical structure and an existing set of traits. For example, Iterator.

// definition of different tags
struct input_iterator_tag { };
struct forward_iterator_tag : public input_iterator_tag { };

// overload 2 functions based on "tag"
template<typename Iterator, typename Distance>
void advanceIterImpl(Iterator& x, Distance n, std::input_iterator_tag);
template<typename Iterator, typename Distance>
void advanceIterImpl(Iterator& x, Distance n, std::random_access_iterator_tag)

// use traits to access "tag" info
template<typename Iterator, typename Distance>
void advanceIter(Iterator& x, Distance n) {
    advanceIterImpl(x, n, typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category())

Enable/Disable Function Template

EnableIf(alias to std::enable_if): When the condition is true, return template T. Otherwise, no valid type will be produced.

template<bool, typename T = void>
struct EnableIfT { };

template<typename T>
struct EnableIfT<true, T> {
    using Type = T;

template<bool Cond, typename T = void>
using EnableIf = typename EnableIfT<Cond, T>::Type;

We use EnableIf to implement advanceIter. It will return void when the argument is a random access iterator, and will be removed from consideration otherwise.

template<typename Iterator>
constexpr bool IsRandomAccessIterator = IsConvertible<
    typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category,

// enable it    
template<typename Iterator, typename Distance>
advanceIter(Iterator& x, Distance n){
    x += n; // constant time

// disable it
template<typename Iterator, typename Distance>
advanceIter(Iterator& x, Distance n) {
    while (n > 0) {//linear time

In Constructor Templates

EnableIf is typically used in the return type of the function template, it does not work for constructor templates or conversion function templates, because neither has a specified return type.

template<typename T>
class Container {
    template<typename Iterator, 
            typename = EnableIf<IsInputIterator<Iterator>>>
    Container(Iterator first, Iterator last);
    template<typename Iterator, 
            typename = EnableIf<IsRandomAccessIterator<Iterator>>, 
            typename = int> // extra dummy parameter is used to overload
    Container(Iterator first, Iterator last);

    template<typename U, typename = EnableIf<IsConvertible<T, U>>>
    operator Container<U>() const;

if-constexpr in C++17

if-else can be used in compiler time in C++17 with if constexpr(), so it can be used in template.

template<typename Iterator, typename Distance>
void advanceIter(Iterator& x, Distance n) {
    if constexpr(IsRandomAccessIterator<Iterator>) {
        x += n;
    }else if constexpr(IsBidirectionalIterator<Iterator>) {

Downsides: It doesn’t work well with SFINAE. Invalid f() is not removed from the candidates list and therefore may inhibit another overload resolution outcome. Use `enable_if` in such case.


requires clause describes the requirements of the template. If any of the requirements are not satisfied, the template is not considered a candidate.

template<typename T>
class Container {
    template<typename Iterator>
    requires IsInputIterator<Iterator>
    Container(Iterator first, Iterator last);
    template<typename Iterator>
    requires IsRandomAccessIterator<Iterator>
    Container(Iterator first, Iterator last);

Class Specialization


Different class templates can be implemented by using enabled/disabled partial specializations of class templates. We use an unnamed parameter as an anchor for EnableIf.

template<typename Key, typename Value, typename = void> // unname parameter
class Dictionary
    //all vector implementation

template<typename Key, typename Value>
class Dictionary<Key, Value, EnableIf<HasLess<Key>>>  // specialized template

Tag Dispatching

It is similar to tag dispatching for functions. MatchOverloads(emm…diffucult to understand) template uses recursive inheritance to declare a match() function with each type.

template<typename Iterator,
        typename Tag =
                typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::iterator_category,
class Advance;

template<typename Iterator>
class Advance<Iterator, std::input_iterator_tag>
template<typename Iterator>
class Advance<Iterator, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag>

template<typename... Types>
struct MatchOverloads;
struct MatchOverloads<> {
    static void match(...);
template<typename T1, typename... Rest>
struct MatchOverloads<T1, Rest...> : public MatchOverloads<Rest...> {
    static T1 match(T1); // introduce overload for T1
    using MatchOverloads<Rest...>::match;

template<typename T, typename... Types>
struct BestMatchInSetT {
using Type = decltype(MatchOverloads<Types...>::match(declval<T>()));
template<typename T, typename... Types>
using BestMatchInSet = typename BestMatchInSetT<T, Types...>::Type;

Instantiation-Safe Templates

// define LessResult here

template<typename T>
EnableIf<IsConvertible<LessResult<T const&, T const&>, bool>, T const&>
T const& min(T const& x, T const& y)
    if (y < x) {    // it will check operator<
        return y;
    return x;

Templates and Inheritance

The Empty Base Class Optimization (EBCO)

class Empty { };                    // sizeof(Empty)=1
class EmptyToo : public Empty { };  // sizeof(EmptyToo)=1
class EmptyThree : public Empty, 
                   public EmptyToo { };  // sizeof(EmptyToo)=2

Members as Base Classes

  • A template parameter is known to be substituted by class types only.
  • Another member of the class template is available.
// original definition
template<typename CustomClass>
class Optimizable {
    CustomClass info; // might be empty
    void* storage;

// replace member by base class
template<typename CustomClass>
class Optimizable {
    BaseMemberPair<CustomClass, void*> info_and_storage;

// defined in basememberpair.hpp
template<typename Base, typename Member>
class BaseMemberPair : private Base {
    Member mem;
    BaseMemberPair (Base const & b, Member const & m) : Base(b), mem(m) { }
    Base const& base() const {
        return static_cast<Base const&>(*this);

The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)

template<typename Derived>
class CuriousBase { };

class Curious : public CuriousBase<Curious> { };

template<typename T>
class CuriousTemplate : public CuriousBase<CuriousTemplate<T>> { };

Example: object counter

template<typename CountedType>
class ObjectCounter {
    // in C++17, we can use inline initialization
    inline static std::size_t count = 0;
    ObjectCounter() {++count;} 
    ObjectCounter (ObjectCounter<CountedType> const&) {
    ~ObjectCounter() { --count; }
    static std::size_t live() {
        return count;

Operator Implementations

It is useful when factoring behavior into a base class while retaining the identity of the eventual derived class.

template<typename Derived>
class EqualityComparable
    friend bool operator!= (Derived const& x1, Derived const& x2)
        return !(x1 == x2);

class X : public EqualityComparable<X>
    friend bool operator== (X const& x1, X const& x2) {
        // XXXX


CRTP base class defines most of the public interface.

template<typename Derived, typename Value, typename Category,
         typename Reference = Value&, typename Distance = std::ptrdiff_t>
class IteratorFacade
    // a list of alias names
    using value_type = typename std::remove_const<Value>::type;

    // access derived class
    Derived& asDerived() { return *static_cast<Derived*>(this); }
    Derived& operator++() {
        return asDerived();

template<typename T>
class ListNodeIterator : public IteratorFacade<ListNodeIterator<T>, 
                                T, std::forward_iterator_tag>
    ListNode<T>* current = nullptr;
    // ....


Common Mixins

We have an original design of Point and Polygon, users can easily inherite from Point.

class Point {};
class Point1: Point {};

template<typename P>
class Polygon{
    vector<P> points;

It has shortcomings. Users must provide the same interface as Point. In Mixins, new classes are base classes as a template.

template<typename... Mixins>    // let new classes be the base classes
class Point : public Mixins...
    double x, y;
    Point() : Mixins()..., x(0.0), y(0.0) { }
    Point(double x, double y) : Mixins()..., x(x), y(y) { }

class Color { };
using MyPoint = Point<Color>;

template<typename... Mixins>
class Polygon
    std::vector<Point<Mixins...>> points;


Step after step the ladder is ascended.

Tags • note